Help Lines / Hot Lines

Here are a few examples of Help/Hot lines that you can call.  This in an all inclusive list.  Please do an internet search for the area of specific topic that you need. Thousands of phone lines exist to assist people depending on the topic area of assistance needed.

AARP United Healthcare Insurance …………………..(888) 378-0254

AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin ………………….(800) 486-6276

Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse ………………………..…(844) 289-0879

Alzheimer’s Association – National .………………….(800) 272-3900

American Cancer Society .……………………………..(800) 277-2345

American Council of the Blind ….………………….….(800) 424-8666

American Diabetes Association ………………..……..(800) 342-2383

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention ……..(800) 273-8255

American Heart Association – national ………..….(800) 242-8721

American Kidney Fund …….………………..………..(800) 638-8299

American Liver Foundation ……………………..……(800) 465-4837

American Lung Association …………………………..(800) 586-4872

American Parkinson’s Disease Association ………(800) 223-2732

American Stroke Association ………………………….(888) 478-7653

Americans with Disabilities Act Information …….…(800) 514-0301

Arthritis Foundation –  .…………………….(800) 283-7800

Banking Complaints and Information …………………(855) 411-2372

Board on Aging and Long-Term Care ………………..(800) 242-1060

Cancer Institute National………………………………….(800) 422-6237

Centers for Disease Control – AIDS hotline ……….(800) 232-4636

Children and Adults with ADD/ADHD …………………(800) 233-4050

Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Group ……………………800) 488-2596

Consumer Complaints ……….…………………………(800) 333-4636

Disability Rights Wisconsin ……………………….…..(800) 928-8778

Eldercare Locator ……………………………….……..(800) 677-1116

Eye Care – Free for Low Income Elderly …………..(800) 222-3937

Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity ……………………(800) 765-9372

Foundation for Rural Housing ……………………..…(888) 400-5974

Funeral Consumers Alliance ………………….……..(802) 865-8300

Gambling – Wisconsin Council on Problem ………(800) 426-2535

Health Care, Medicare & Medicaid Hotline ……….(800) 581-1790

Hearing  (Better Hearing Institute)..……………….(800) 327-9355

Hearing Aid Hotline ………………….….……………..(800) 521-5247

TTY-TDD Store…………..……………………………….(800) 578-7189

Home for Heroes Foundation …………………….……(866) 443-7637


Here are a few examples of web based Help/Hot lines that you can connect with.  This isn’t an all inclusive list.  Please do an internet search for the area of specific topic that you need. Thousands of web pages exist to assist people depending on the topic area of assistance needed.

Autism Support Network Resources
Autism Resource Center